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Search results for eta,546 in Adler number:
Adler number: eta,546
Translated headword: Herodianos, Herodianus, Herodian
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Of Alexandria.[1] Grammarian; son of the grammarian Apollonius, who was nicknamed Dyscolus.[2] He lived under the Caesar Antoninus, also called Marcus;[3] so he was younger than
Dionysius the author of the history of music[4] and
Philo of Byblos.[5] He wrote many works.
Greek Original:*(hrwdiano/s, *)alecandreu/s, grammatiko/s, ui(o\s *)apollwni/ou tou= grammatikou=, tou= e)piklhqe/ntos *dusko/lou. ge/gone kata\ to\n *kai/sara *)antwni=non, to\n kai\ *ma/rkon, w(s new/teron ei)=nai kai\ *dionusi/ou tou= th\n *mousikh\n i(stori/an gra/yantos kai\ *fi/lwnos tou= *bubli/ou. e)/graye polla/.
A.R. Dyck, 'Aelius Herodian: recent studies and prospects for future research' ANRW II 34.1 (1993) 772-94
Keywords: biography; chronology; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; meter and music
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 2 March 2001@23:35:40.
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