Suda On Line
Search results for eta,541 in Adler number:
Adler number: eta,541
Translated headword: Herophila, Herophile
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Also [called] Erythraean Sibyl, daughter of
Theodorus.[1] She wrote 3 books of
Divinations, in epic hexameters;[2] and she came to Rome in the time of the consuls (though others say that of Tarquinius),[3] expecting to make money out of those [prophecies].[4] But since she was given no consideration, she burned the two books she happened to be carrying with herself. But the remaining one survived, which was bought by the Romans at a high price.[5]
Greek Original:*(hrofi/la, h( kai\ *si/bulla *)eruqrai/a, *qeodw/rou quga/thr. e)/graye bibli/a g# mantika\ e)pikw=s: kai\ h)=lqen ei)s *(rw/mhn e)n toi=s xro/nois tw=n u(pa/twn, a)/lloi de\ *tarkuni/ou, dokou=sa xrhmatisqh/sesqai di' au)tw=n. w(s de\ katefronh/qh, ta\s du/o kate/flece bi/blous, a(\s kai\ e)/tuxen e)piferome/nh: periesw/qh de\ h( loiph\ mi/a, h(/tis kai\ para\ tw=n *(rwmai/wn e)cwnh/qh pollou= timh/matos.
[1] For Herophila as the name of the Erythraean Sibyl see again under
chi 484, and cf.
Hesychius eta829.
Varro listed a total of ten Sibyls, and the story reported by the Suda about the Sibylline books is also related by some sources to the Cumaean Sibyl. The two Sibyls are considered identical by Martianus Capella,
de Nuptiis [a.k.a.
Philologia] 2.8.7.
For the Sibyls see also
sigma 361; also
beta 560,
iota 320,
pi 2506,
sigma 354,
sigma 355,
sigma 356,
sigma 357,
sigma 358,
sigma 359,
sigma 360.
[2] See
lambda 491,
sigma 362.
Pausanias 10.12.2 also attributes to the Sibyl the authorship of a hymn to Apollo.
[3] Not Tarquinius Superbus (
tau 125), the last king of Rome before the foundation of the Republic in 510 BCE, but his predecessor -- possibly grandfather -- Tarquinius
Priscus. For another chronological pointer to the sixth century see
Nicolaus of Damascus FGrH 90 F67, where Herophila is summoned from
Ephesus (sic) by Cyrus of Persia.
[4] cf.
chi 484.
[5] For this account cf.
Dionysius of Halicarnassus,
Roman Antiquities 4.62 and Aulius
Attic Nights 1.19, who refer it to the Cumaean Sybil. The book the king agreed to buy, the third of the entire collection, perished in the fire destroying the
Capitolium in the time of Sulla (see
Pliny the Elder,
Natural History 13.27); afterwards, the Roman government would seek for another copy, but to no avail.
Keywords: chronology; economics; gender and sexuality; historiography; history; meter and music; mythology; poetry; religion; women
Translated by: Antonella Ippolito on 24 March 2006@20:44:03.
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