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Headword: *)=h
Adler number: eta,5
Translated headword: I was, he was
Vetting Status: high
[I was,] for h)/mhn. Also without the nu.[1] Aristophanes in Wealth: "the things I was prepared to hide".[2] Also used in the third person. But it also serves for h)/mhn as the result of a Homeric resolution of vowels [e)/hn]: "so I am, if I ever was."[3]
Concerning the conjunction h)/ ['or, than']. 'Or' is disjunctive, or declarative, or subdisjunctive. It is disjunctive when it connects opposites, for example day or night or "young or old".[4] It is subdisjunctive when it connects different things and does not require a choice between them, for example 'give me gold or silver or precious stones'. It is declarative when, of two things put forth, one is preferred, for example "better to be a poor man on land than a rich man in a ship".[5] Also, "I'd rather [have] a drop of good luck than a jug of brains".[6]
Greek Original:
*)=h: a)nti\ tou= h)/mhn. kai\ xwri\s tou= n. *)aristofa/nhs *plou/tw|: a(\ kru/ptein h)= pareskeuasme/nos. ti/qetai kai\ e)pi\ tri/tou prosw/pou. o(/ti de\ kai\ e)pi\ tou= h)/mhn e)k th=s *(omhrikh=s diaire/sews: w(\s e)/on, ei)/pot' e)/hnge. peri\ tou= h)\ sunde/smou. h)\ ga\r diazeuktiko/s e)stin h)\ diasafhtiko\s h)\ u(podiazeuktiko/s. kai\ diazeuktiko\s me\n o( ta\ e)nanti/a e)n th=| sunta/cei dii+stw=n: oi(=on, h(me/ra h)\ nu/c: h)\ ne/os h)e\ palaio/s. u(podiazeuktiko\s de/ e)stin o( dia/fora pra/gmata tiqei\s mhde\n e(/teron e)n th=| diaith/sei dii+stw=n: oi(=on, do/s moi xruso\n h)\ a)/rguron h)\ li/qous timi/ous. diasafhtiko\s de/, o(/tan tw=n du/o proteqe/ntwn to\ e(\n a)nairh=tai: oi(=on, krei=sson e)n gh=| pe/nesqai h)\ ploutou=nta plei=n. kai/, qe/lw tu/xhs stalagmo\n h)\ frenw=n pi/qon.
[1] See Smyth sections 768 & 771 (web address 1), and cf. eta 366.
[2] Aristophanes, Wealth [Plutus] 77 (web address 2), with scholion.
[3] Homer, Iliad 11.762 (web address 3).
[4] Homer, Iliad 14.108 (web address 4).
[5] Antiphanes fr. 101 Kock, now 290 K.-A.; cf. epsilon 1150. This became proverbial: see Tosi (cited under alpha 378) no.730.
[6] A line from one of the tragedies (fr. 2 Snell) of Diogenes of Sinope (delta 1143).
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2,
Web address 3,
Web address 4
Keywords: comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; proverbs; tragedy
Translated by: Anne Mahoney on 4 December 1999@17:14:03.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (cosmetics, keywords, augmented notes) on 18 October 2002@11:40:08.
David Whitehead (modified note; added x-ref and keywords; cosmetics) on 19 October 2002@09:49:47.
David Whitehead (augmented n.5; more keywords) on 15 August 2012@08:40:43.
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 2 December 2012@08:07:27.
Catharine Roth (upgraded links) on 12 December 2012@10:33:28.
David Whitehead (updated a ref) on 22 December 2014@05:13:44.


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