Plato [in book] 2 of
Republic [uses the phrase].[1] It should be written thus; for in
Pindar [it is written] "she is bound by Hephaestus in the chair built by him";[2] which some ignorantly write as "[she is bound] by Zeus." And they say that she was bound for plotting against Heracles.[3] Klemes [recounts this].[4] The story [is found] also in
Epicharmus, in [his]
Revellers or
*(/hras de\ desmou\s u(po\ ui(e/os: *pla/twn *politei/as b#. ou(/tw grapte/on: para\ *pinda/rw| ga\r u(po\ *(hfai/stou desmeu/etai e)n tw=| u(p' au)tou= kataskeuasqe/nti qro/nw|: o(/ tines a)gnoh/santes gra/fousin u(po\ *dio/s. kai/ fasi deqh=nai au)th\n e)pibouleu/sasan *(hraklei=. *klh/mhs. h( i(stori/a kai\ par' *)epixa/rmw| e)n *kwmastai=s h)\ *(hfai/stw|.
Also in
[1] In (as here) a generic accusative plural:
Republic 378D (one of the unedifying mythological episodes which will be excluded from the curriculum in the ideal state).
Pindar fr. 283 Maehler. For the legend, see
Pausanias 1.20.3 (cf. 3.17.3). See also note 3 below.
[3] According to
Libanius, Narration 7 (Foerster vol. 8, pp. 38-39), Hephaestus built a chair to bind his mother Hera in return for her having hurled him from heaven (cf.
Homer, Iliad 18.394-405). Ares tried to release her and failed. Then Dionysus made Hephaestus drunk, compelled him to release his mother, and thus became one of the Olympian gods.
[4] This authority is unlikely to be either of the well-known Christian bearers of the name Klemes/
Clement, i.e.
Clement of Alexandria (OCD(4) s.v.; cited under
lambda 257) or
Clement of Rome (OCD(4) s.v.), but instead a relatively obscure Platonic commentator. On him see generally A.R. Dyck , "Notes on Platonic Lexicography in Antiquity,"
Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 89 (1985) 75-88, at 84-86, where the present entry is F2,
zeta 13 is F1, and
pi 89 is F3. (The historian
kappa 1778, may or may not be the same person.)
[5] For the fragments with additional bibliography, see Kassel-Austin p.50 (Kaibel p.106).
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