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Headword: *(hra/kleitos
Adler number: eta,472
Translated headword: Herakleitos, Heraclitus
Vetting Status: high
Son of Bloson or Bautor, but others [say] of Herakis; from Ephesus; a naturalist philosopher, who was nicknamed "Obscure."[1] This man was a disciple of none of the philosophers, but he trained himself by natural ability and diligence. When this man was sick with dropsy he did not allow the physicians to treat him as they wished; but he himself rubbed himself all over with cow-dung and allowed this to dry in the sun, and as he lay dogs came forward and tore him apart.[2] But others say that he died buried in sand. Some said that he was a student of Xenophanes and Hippasus the Pythagorean. He lived in the 69th Olympiad,[3] in the reign of Darius the son of Hystaspes, and he wrote many [things] in poetic form.
See under the Delian diver.[4]
Greek Original:
*(hra/kleitos, *blo/swnos h)\ *bau/twros, oi( de\ *(hraki=nos: *)efe/sios, filo/sofos fusiko/s, o(\s e)peklh/qh *skoteino/s. ou(=tos e)maqh/teusen ou)deni\ tw=n filoso/fwn, fu/sei de\ kai\ e)pimelei/a| h)skh/qh. ou(=tos u(drwpia/sas ou)k e)nedi/dou toi=s i)atroi=s, h(=|per e)bou/lonto qerapeu/ein au)to/n: a)ll' au)to\s bolbi/tw| xri/sas o(/lon e(auto\n ei)/ase chranqh=nai tou=to u(po\ tw=| h(li/w|, kai\ kei/menon au)to\n ku/nes proelqou=sai die/spasan: oi( de\ a)/mmw| xwsqe/nta fasi\n a)poqanei=n. tine\s de\ au)to\n e)/fasan diakou=sai *cenofa/- nous kai\ *(ippa/sou tou= *puqagorei/ou. h)=n de\ e)pi\ th=s cq# *)olumpia/dos, e)pi\ *darei/ou tou= *(usta/spou, kai\ e)/graye polla\ poihtikw=s. zh/tei e)n tw=| *dhli/ou kolumbhtou=.
[1] Heraclitus of Ephesus (fl. 500 BCE), Presocratic philosopher, known for his emphasis on processes of change and the complementarity of opposites: see web address 1 (Daniel W. Graham, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy); OCD(4) s.v. 'Heraclitus(1)'; and already eta 471.
[2] Diogenes Laertius has two (less violent) versions of this story (9.1.3-5, web address 2).
[3] 504-501.
[4] delta 400; cf. Diogenes Laertius 9.1.12.
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: biography; chronology; ethics; geography; history; medicine; philosophy; poetry; zoology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 11 March 2002@18:09:02.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (added note and keyword; cosmetics) on 12 March 2002@03:02:18.
David Whitehead (more keywords) on 11 October 2007@09:54:46.
David Whitehead (tweaking) on 19 December 2012@04:25:50.
David Whitehead (updated a ref) on 3 August 2014@06:11:27.
Catharine Roth (changed link) on 6 August 2014@23:23:07.
Catharine Roth (coding, link) on 13 September 2018@01:49:51.


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