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Search results for eta,463 in Adler number:
Adler number: eta,463
Translated headword: Herakleides, Heraclides
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Son of
Heraclides; of Pontus, from
Heraclea in Pontus. Grammarian. He attended the school of the famous
Didymus[1] in Alexandria. When he heard that Aper, the pupil of
Aristarchus,[2] was achieving distinction in Rome, and that
Didymus was widely denigrated, he wrote 3 books in sapphics or phalaecians, difficult to understand and posing serious difficulties in the questions to which they gave rise; he called them
Leschai.[3] He took them to Rome and outshone Aper; he remained there as head of school under Claudius and Nero. He also wrote many epic poems.
Greek Original:*(hraklei/dhs, *(hraklei/dou, *pontiko/s, a)po\ *(hraklei/as th=s *po/ntou, grammatiko/s: o(/stis *didu/mw| tw=| pa/nu kata\ th\n *)alecandre/wn e)foi/thsen. ou(=tos e)peidh\ h)/kousen *)/aperws, tou= *)arista/rxou maqhtou=, eu)dokimou=ntos kata\ th\n *(rw/mhn, polla/ te tou\s *di/dumon diasu/rontas, e)/graye me/trw| *sapfikw=| h)/toi *falaiki/w| bibli/a g#, dusermh/neuta kai\ pollh\n th\n a)pori/an e)/xonta proballome/nwn zhthma/twn, a(/tina *le/sxas e)ka/lesen. ei)s *(rw/mhn de\ komi/sas kai\ tou= *)/aperws katafanei\s kate/meine sxolarxw=n e)n au)th=| e)pi\ *klaudi/ou kai\ *ne/rwnos. e)/graye de\ kai\ poih/mata e)pika\ polla/.
Keywords: biography; chronology; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; geography; meter and music; poetry
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 2 March 2001@23:30:30.
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