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Adler number: eta,461
Translated headword: Herakleides, Heracleides, Heraclides
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Son of Euphron, from Heracleia in Pontus,[1] descended from Damis, one of those who led the colony from
Thebes to Heracleia, and a student of
Plato. When
Plato traveled to
Sicily to found a school, [H.] was left behind there by him.[2]
This man also raised and tamed a snake and dined with it and slept with it. [The snake] alone was found on his couch, though Herakleides had lain down on it healthy, but then was found no more. Some thought he had attained immortality, others that he had thrown himself down a well, so that it would seem to people that he had attained immortality. He wrote a lot.
Greek Original:*(hraklei/dhs, *eu)/fronos, filo/sofos, *(hraklei/as th=s *po/ntou, to\ de\ ge/nos a)/nwqen a)po\ *da/midos, e(no\s tw=n h(ghsame/nwn th=s ei)s *(hra/kleian e)k *qhbw=n a)poiki/as, *pla/twnos gnw/rimos: e)kdhmh/santos de\ *pla/twnos ei)s *sikeli/an, proesta/nai th=s sxolh=s katelei/fqh u(p' au)tou=. ou(=tos kai\ dra/konta e)/qreye kai\ h(me/rwse kai\ ei)=xe sundiaitw/menon au)tw=| kai\ sugkaqeu/donta: o(\s kai\ mo/nos e)pi\ th=s kli/nhs eu(re/qh, tou= *(hraklei/dou katakliqe/ntos me\n u(giou=s, ou)x eu(reqe/ntos de/. kai\ a)/lloi me\n au)to\n a)phqanatei/sqai e)no/misan, a)/lloi de\ e)n fre/ati au(to\n e)mbeblhke/nai, w(s a)\n do/ch| toi=s a)nqrw/pois a)phqanatei/sqai. e)/graye polla/.
Heraclides Ponticus", C4 BCE; see generally D.J. Furley in OCD(4) s.v '
Heraclides(1)'. For the present material cf.
Diogenes Laertius 5.86, 89-90.
[1] For this city, founded c.560 BCE by Boeotian and Megarian settlers, see generally OCD(4) s.v. '
Heraclea(3) Pontica'.
[2] The foregoing is
Heraclides 3 Schütrumpf; what follows is 13 Schütrumpf.
H. Gottschalk, Heracleides of Pontus (1980) & E. Schütrumpf, Heraclides of Pontus, Text and Translation (2008)
Keywords: biography; food; geography; history; medicine; philosophy; zoology
Translated by: Ross Scaife ✝ on 18 November 2003@21:57:45.
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