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Headword: *(hraklei/a li/qos
Adler number: eta,459
Translated headword: Herakleian stone, Heraclean stone
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] Magnesian [stone], which attracts iron.
The Pisidian [writes]: "attracting everyone, like the Magnesian stone, or rather what we should call the Heraclean stone: for he has a rather attractive nature."[1]
Some[2] explained the Magnesian stone as Heraclean because Heraclea was in Magnesia. But others [said] that the [stone] which draws in iron is Heraclean, but the Magnesian [stone] is like silver. Thus Euripides in Oineus [writes]: "searching out the minds of men, as the Magnesian stone draws the opinion and changes it back."[3] He is saying that in this case iron is not being drawn by the Magnesian stone, but the opinion of those who observe, which is led astray as by silver.
The Herakleiotes [were] colonists.[4]
Greek Original:
*(hraklei/a li/qos: h( *magnh=tis, e(lkustikh\ tou= sidh/rou. *pisi/dhs: pa/ntas u(fe/lkwn, oi(=a *magnh=tis li/qos, h)\ ma=llon ei)pei=n *(hraklei/an th\n li/qon: fu/sin ga\r au)to\s e(lktikwte/ran e)/xei. *(hraklei/an li/qon tine\s th\n *magnhsi/an a)pe/dosan, dia\ to\ th\n *(hra/kleian th=s *magnhsi/as ei)=nai. oi( de/, o(/ti h( me\n e)pispwme/nh to\n si/dhron *(hraklew=tis, h( de\ *magnh=tis a)rgu/rw| o(moi/a e)sti/n: w(s *eu)ripi/dhs e)n *oi)nei=: ta\s brotw=n gnw/mas skopw=n, w(/ste *magnh=tis li/qos th\n do/can e(/lkei kai\ meqi/sthsin pa/lin. ou) le/gei nu=n u(po\ th=s *magnh/tidos li/qou to\n si/dhron, a)lla\ th\n tw=n qewme/nwn do/khsin e(/lkesqai, planwme/nwn w(s e)pi\ a)rgu/rw|. o(/ti a)/poikoi *(hrakleiw=tai.
On the Magnesian (magnetic) stone cf. mu 23.
[1] George of Pisidia, Heraclias 3 fr. 43.
[2] This paragraph is also in Photius; and cf. Zenobius 4.22.
[3] Euripides fr. 567.
[4] cf. eta 468.
Keywords: biography; daily life; definition; ethics; geography; mythology; poetry; proverbs; science and technology; tragedy
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 12 October 2005@01:08:57.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (another headword; augmented notes and keywords; cosmetics) on 12 October 2005@03:35:23.
David Whitehead (another note; more keywords; tweaking) on 19 December 2012@03:39:06.
Catharine Roth (tweaked reference) on 27 November 2014@00:17:59.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation) on 12 September 2018@01:23:57.


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