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Search results for eta,429 in Adler number:
Adler number: eta,429
Translated headword: mainland
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] dry land; as being in some way unlimited [
apeiros]. The earth is improperly called
h)/peiros in the poets, but properly [
h)/peiros is the land] which extends into unlimited [territory], as
Euripides [writes]: "sending out a mainland foot into unlimited [space]."[1]
Also [sc. attested is the phrase] 'mainland sea'.[2]
Greek Original:*)/hpeiros: xe/rsos gh=: oi(=on a)/peiro/s tis ou)=sa. h)/peiros de\ le/getai para\ toi=s poihtai=s h( gh= kataxrhstikw=s, kuri/ws de\ h( ei)s a)/peiron e)kba/llousa, w(s *eu)ripi/dhs: h)/peiron ei)s a)/peiron e)kballw\n po/da. kai\ *)hpeirwth\ qa/lassa.
eta 428,
eta 430.
*)/hperos can refer to the mainland of Asia Minor or the mainland of northwest Greece (Epirus): see LSJ s.v. at web address 1.
[1] Likewise or similarly in other lexica, including Apollonius'
Homeric Lexicon, and cf. also a scholion on Apollonius Rhodius,
Argonautica 4.71;
Euripides fr. 1010.
[2] Source unidentifiable.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; imagery; poetry; tragedy
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 19 September 2006@22:07:47.
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