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Search results for eta,41 in Adler number:
Adler number: eta,41
Translated headword: authoritative [part]
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] the mind.[1]
Or "the principal part of the soul, where the images and impulses are produced, and from where thought is transmitted; which [they say] is precisely located in the heart."[2]
Greek Original:*(hgemoniko/n: o( nou=s. h)\ to\ kuriw/taton th=s yuxh=s, e)n w(=| ai( fantasi/ai kai\ ai( o(rmai\ gi/nontai, kai\ o(/qen o( lo/gos a)nape/mpetai: o(/per ei)=nai e)n th=| kardi/a|.
[1] From the
Synagoge (
Lexica Segueriana eta248); also in
Lexicon eta28, and in a Cyrillian entry of
Hesychius (eta54). Both terms are frequently used as synonyms, especially in patristic literature.
[2] An almost literal quotation from
Diogenes Laertius 7.159 (with slight differences arising from the need to adapt it to the part excerpted from the
Diogenes is explaining here the thought of the Stoic philosophers, particularly, in this case, of
Sphaerus and
Chrysippus (on whom cf.
chi 568 and
chi 569).
Keywords: Christianity; definition; medicine; philosophy; religion
Translated by: Stefano Sanfilippo on 11 July 2005@14:07:49.
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