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Search results for eta,408 in Adler number:
Adler number: eta,408
Translated headword: we were going
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] we proceeded.[1]
Homer [writes]: "we were going, as you commanded." From
ei)/w [which is] Doric for I go, with a change of the diphthong epsiloniota into eta.[2]
Appian [writes]: "Allobriges, a Gallic tribe. Their cities were hard to conquer because they were joined to the mainland and made islands each day by the tides; but they fought from boats. But when Gaius Caesar fixed tall pilings around the cities and attached bridges to the pilings, the waves passed through the pilings under the bridges. For the Romans the work was long-lasting and without fear."[3]
Greek Original:*)/h|omen: e)poreu/qhmen. *(/omhros. h)/|omen, w(s e)ke/leusas. a)po\ tou= ei)/w, to\ poreu/omai *dwrikw=s, troph=| th=s ei difqo/ggou ei)s h. *)appiano/s: *)allo/briges, *galatw=n e)/qnos. du/smaxoi d' au)tw=n h)=san ai( po/leis u(po\ th=s a)mpw/tews e)f' h(me/ran h)peirou/menai/ te kai\ nhsou/menai: oi( de\ ploi/ois e)pole/moun. tou= de\ *kai/saros *gai/+ou peri\ ta\s po/leis staurou\s phcame/nou u(yhlou\s kai\ toi=s stauroi=s e)piqe/ntos gefurw/mata, o( me\n klu/dwn e)xw/rei dia\ tw=n staurwma/twn u(po\ toi=s gefurw/masi, *(rwmai/ois de\ a)dee\s kai\ e)pi/monon h)=n to\ e)/rgon.
[1] The headword is epic first person plural, imperfect, of
ei)=mi "I go." According to Smyth (ยง776), "the participle, the subjunctive, and the optative [of
ei)=mi] are inflected with the thematic vowel; and so also some of the dialectical forms."
Odyssey 10.251, with scholion. Similar glossing in other lexica.
[3] Not in the editions of Appian available to Adler, but see now Appian,
Celtica ch.17.a in Viereck-Roos-Gabba. The name is also found as Allobroges (the version favoured by modern scholars: see e.g. OCD(4) s.v.) and Allobruges.
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; geography; historiography; history; military affairs; science and technology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 16 September 2006@13:17:34.
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