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Search results for eta,378 in Adler number:
Adler number: eta,378
Translated headword: windy
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] lofty.[1]
Also [sc. attested is]
h)nemw=sqai ["to be filled with wind, inflated"], [meaning] to be fluttering with love.[2]
Aelian [writes]: "and [he] seemed to be immoderately inflated where the woman was concerned."[3]
Greek Original:*)hnemo/essan: u(yhlh/n. kai\ *)hnemw=sqai, to\ peri\ e)/rwta e)ptoh=sqai. *ai)liano/s: kai\ e)do/kei peri\ th\n a)/nqrwpon a)kratw=s h)nemw=sqai.
[1] cf. scholion on
Iliad 2.606 (as well as other lexica), where this feminine accusative singular appears (as an epithet of Enispe).
[2] Perfect infinitive of
a)nemo/omai, presumably extracted from the quotation which follows.
Aelian fr. 52a Domingo-Forasté (49 Hercher).
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; ethics; gender and sexuality; geography; imagery; women
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 30 August 2006@21:27:19.
Vetted by:David Whitehead (tweaked tr; augmented notes and keywords) on 31 August 2006@03:07:27.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation, updated reference) on 24 March 2012@01:06:08.
David Whitehead (another keyword; tweaking) on 17 December 2012@07:29:09.
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