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Search results for eta,36 in Adler number:
Adler number: eta,36
Translated headword: Hegelokhos, Hegelochos, Hegelochus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A tragic actor. "And we can say, like Hegelochos, 'for out of the billows I see again a weasel [
galh=n]'." In reference to those avoiding unpleasantness. For this Hegelochus was acting in
Orestes[1] when he ran out of breath on this line, "for out of the billows I see again a calm [
galh/n']" (i.e.
galh/nhn in the plural[2]) and was instantly seen to have destroyed the synaloiphe.[3]
Plato too derides this man for having a displeasing voice.[4] [
Aristophanes goes on to say] "the Empousa is gone."[5]
Greek Original:*(hge/loxos: tragw|do\s u(pokrith/s. e)/cesti d' w(/sper *(hge/loxos h(mi=n le/gein, e)k kuma/twn ga\r au)=qis au)= galh=n o(rw=. e)pi\ tw=n diafugo/ntwn ta\ luphra/. o( ga\r *(hge/loxos ou(=tos kai\ e)n tw=| *)ore/sth| tou= *eu)ripi/dou prosta/ntos au)tw=| tou= pneu/matos e)n tw=|de tw=| sti/xw|, e)k kuma/twn ga\r au)=qis au)= galh/n' o(rw= [galh/nhn ga\r to\ plh=res], ai)fnidi/ws o)fqh=nai sunelo/nta th\n sunaloifh/n. tou=ton de\ kai\ w(s a)terph= th\n fwnh\n *pla/twn skw/ptei. h(/mpousa frou/dh.
Frogs 303-305 (web address 1), with comment from the
scholia there.
[1] Three years earlier.
[2] Actually
galhno/s in the neuter plural, at
Orestes 279 (web address 2). See LSJ s.v.
[3] See generally
sigma 1434.
Plato Comicus fr. 215 Kock, now 235 K.-A.
[5] cf. generally
epsilon 1049.
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: biography; comedy; dialects, grammar, and etymology; medicine; stagecraft; tragedy; zoology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 18 June 2004@07:39:27.
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