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Search results for eta,305 in Adler number:
Adler number: eta,305
Translated headword: courier, long-distance runner
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] the sun. Those who serve the orders of the king most quickly are also called this.[1]
"The hemerodromoi are young men, a little older than ephebes, near to their first beards, who minister to needs like these -- carrying bows and arrows, javelins and (?)fire-projecting stones[2] -- nothing more. For these things are useful to them for travel by road."[3]
Greek Original:*(hmerodro/mos: o( h(/lios. le/gontai de\ kai\ oi( tai=s basilikai=s diata/cesi taxu/tata diakonou/menoi. oi( h(merodro/moi ne/oi d' ei)si/n, e)fh/bwn o)li/gon presbu/teroi, prwtogenei/wn e)ggu/s, tai=s toiau/tais u(phretou/menoi xrei/ais: to/cwn kai\ belw=n, a)konti/wn kai\ purobo/lwn li/qwn e)pifero/menoi ple/on ou)de/n: tau=ta ga\r au)toi=s pro\s th\n o(doipori/an gi/netai xrh/sima.
See also
phi 347.
[1] Same or similar material in other lexica (and several
[2] The reading 'fire-projecting stones' seems to be textually sound; Adler notes no manuscript variants. The adjective alone is a standard one for incendiary missiles (machine-fired) in
Plutarch and elsewhere -- see LSJ s.v. -- but 'stones' with this adjective are problematic (not least when carried, purportedly, by runners). Chap.37 of the treatise
Physiologus is entitled 'Concerning fire-projecting stones', and says that these stones come in male and female forms which spontaneously combust when they come close to each other. That mystery aside, it remains doubtful whether the present passage mentioned them; another adjective is surely needed.
[3] Symeon Metaphrastes,
Nilus: PG 79.664a.
Keywords: biography; Christianity; definition; history; imagery; military affairs; religion; science and technology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 27 August 2006@20:42:31.
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