*)/hgallen: e)qera/peuen. *di/wn e)n i#2# lo/gw| *(rwmai+kw=n: dia/ te ou)=n tau=ta, kai\ o(/ti to\ qei=on a)kribw=s h)/gallen. ke/xrhntai de\ th=| le/cei tau/th| a)/lloi te kai\ *eu)no/mios o( dussebh/s. kai\ au)to\s ou(=tos polla/kis.
All the entry is from the
Lexicon Rhetoricum (the fifth Bekkerian Lexicon) eta248, used also by
Lexicon eta14 Theodoridis, and
Etymologicum Magnum 418.5.
The headword verb is extracted from the quotation given.
[1] Even though we cannot consider this entry a derivation from the
Lexicon Ambrosianum, note that this gloss is to be found also in
Laurentianus 59.16 folium 184. For the verb cf.
alpha 130.
Cassius Dio 16.57.39 (on Scipio).
[3] The verb
a)ga/llw is common in writers of all periods, but is not extant in the theologian Eunomius of Cyzicus. On the other hand it is extensively used by Gregory of Nyssa in his work against the Eunomian theory,
Against Eunomius. For more information on Eunomius see
epsilon 3598.
[4] Although this last phrase is not included in the gloss of the Bekkerian edition of the
Lexicon Rhetoricum (according to Theodoridis on
Photius s.v.), we can consider it also from there, because the
Etymologicum Magnum, the compiler of which had available a better copy of that Lexicon, preserves the phrase.
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