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Search results for eta,294 in Adler number:
Adler number: eta,294
Translated headword: fastened
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning ones] fastened together.[1] Meaning fitted together.
"The portcullises, which they held a little outside fastened up by machines, they let down suddenly and attacked [sc. the intruders], and capturing these [men] in front of the wall they crucified them."[2]
Greek Original:*(hmme/noi: sunhmme/noi. a)nti\ tou= a)nhrthme/noi. oi( de\ katarra/ktai, ou(\s ei)=xon o)li/gon e)cwte/rw dia\ mhxanhma/twn a)nhmme/nous, ai)fni/dion kaqh=kan kai\ e)peba/lonto. kai\ tou/tous katasxo/ntes pro\ tou= tei/xous a)neskolo/pisan.
[1] The headword is perfect middle/passive participle of
a(/ptw, masculine nominative plural; cf.
eta 293. Similar entry in
Hesychius. The headword must be quoted from somewhere (other than the quotation given here, which uses
a)nhmme/nous from the compound verb
a)na/ptw; cf.
alpha 2037).
Polybius 10.33.8 (a stray extract from Hannibal's attempt to capture
Salapia in 208 BCE).
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; historiography; history; military affairs; science and technology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 21 August 2006@11:28:36.
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