[Meaning] a juror; [named] from the great jurycourt of the Heliaia. It was so named because it was an open-air place struck by the rays of the sun [
Aristophanes [writes]: "no, on the contrary, [
non-jurors!]". This has undergone modification. Meaning in the absolutely opposite way; that is, litigation-hater. For by saying ap-Heliast, [he uses a word] in place of litigation-hater; for the country folk [were] no jury-lovers.
Also [sc. attested is] 'phil-Heliast', [meaning] litigation-lover.
Aristophanes [writes]: "he is a phil-heliast like no other man".[1]
All Athenians used to swear the ancient Heliastic oath in public.[2]
*(hliasth/s: dikasth/s: a)po\ mega/lou dikasthri/ou th=s *(hliai/as. ou(/tw de\ e)klh/qh dia\ to\ e)n u(pai/qrw| ei)=nai to/pw| kai\ u(po\ tou= h(li/ou ba/llesqai. *)aristofa/nhs: ma/la a)qate/rou. pe/ponqe de\ tou=to. a)nti\ tou= ou)k a)/llws qate/rou tro/pou: toute/sti miso/dikos. ei)pw\n ga\r a)phliasth/s, a)nti\ tou= miso/dikos: oi( ga\r a)/groikoi ou) filodikastai/. kai\ *filhliasth/s, o( filo/dikos. *)aristofa/nhs: filhliasth/s e)stin w(s ou)dei\s a)nh/r. o(/ti pa/ntes *)aqhnai=oi dhmosi/a| w)/mnuon to\ palaio\n to\n o(/rkon to\n *(hliastiko/n.
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