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Search results for eta,214 in Adler number:
Adler number: eta,214
Translated headword: Heliasts
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] the jurors in the Heliaia -- the Heliaia [being] the largest jurycourt at
Athens[1] -- who used to be supported by the citizens, drawing a juror's wage of three obols after the verdict. So as a demagogue [Kleon] is calling on those he was supporting. He referred to them as fellow-clansmen of the triobol, as if they were intimates and relatives of the triobol; for he says "aged jurors, brothers[2] of the triobol".
Greek Original:*(hliastai/: oi( e)n *(hliai/a| dikastai/: *(hliai/a de\ to\ me/giston dikasth/rion *)aqh/nhsin: oi(/tines u(po\ tw=n dhmotw=n e)tre/fonto triw/bolon lamba/nontes misqo\n dikastiko\n meta\ to\ kri=nai. w(s dhmagwgo\s ou)=n e)pikalei= ou(\s e)/trefe. suggenei=s de\ au)tou\s ei)=pe tou= triwbo/lou, oi(=on prosw|keiw/menoi kai\ prospefuko/tes tw=| triwbo/lw|: le/gei ga/r, w(s ge/rontes h(liastai\ fra/tores triwbo/lou.
Knights 255 (where the headword occurs), with scholion. See also
eta 215 (and
kappa 1731 for Kleon).
[1] From the
scholia to
Knights 898, where the phrase "the jurors in the Heliaia" occurs.
[2] More exactly, fellow phratry-members.
Keywords: biography; comedy; definition; economics; imagery; law; politics
Translated by: David Whitehead on 27 July 2006@06:14:08.
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