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Adler number: eta,212
Translated headword: Elias, Elijah
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Elijah,] the prophet, lived during the reign of king Ahab. The son of Ahab was the most impious Ahaziah;[1] [it was he] who submitted himself to the Fly idol which was in Ekron.[2] Elijah the prophet met with them and reproached their idolatry.[3] He was summoned by a captain of fifty[4] and Elijah destroyed him with fire from heaven along with the fifty that were with him; and he did the same to a second.[5] And the third[6] knelt down and was saved and presented the prophet.[7]
Greek Original:*)hli/as, o( profh/ths, e)pi\ *)axaa\b basile/ws h)=n. o( de\ ui(o\s *)axaa\b *)oxozi/as a)sebe/statos h)=n: o(\s e)xrh/sato *mui/a| ei)dw/lw| tw=| e)n *)akka/rwn. e)ntuxw\n d' au)toi=s *)hli/as o( profh/ths w)nei/dise th\n ei)dwlolatri/an. kai\ metapemfqei\s dia\ penthkonta/rxou die/fqeiren au)to\n ou)rani/w| puri/, a(/ma penth/konta toi=s su\n au)tw=|: kai\ deu/teron o(moi/ws. o( de\ tri/tos gonupetw=n e)sw/qh kai\ pare/labe to\n profh/thn.
[1] Greek *)oxozi/as. See 3 Kingdoms 22.40, 52-54 (= English 1 Kings 22.40, 51-53).
[2] See 4 Kingdoms 1.2-4 (= English 2 Kings 1.2-4). The "Fly" idol is in the Septuagint called "Baal Fly (or Lord of the Fly), god of Accaron." This is a literal translation of the Hebrew בעל זבוב baʿal zeḇūḇ. Probably the OT writer is making a play on the known term for a Phoenician deity, "Lord of Heaven" בעל זבול baʿal zeḇūl; see Gamberoni, s.v., zebhul, in Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament 4:28-31, and William A. Ward in Peoples of the Old Testament World 247. The Hebrew text has in apposition to the name Baal Zebub the phrase "the gods of Ekron", apparently an "honorific" plural for which the Septuagint has a singular. Honorific plurals for the God of Israel take a singular verb, while those for other deities take a plural verb (Waltke and O'Conner, sect. 7.4.3b). Here there is no verb, but the Hebrew plural is in apposition with the name of a single deity. The Septuagint, which the Suda follows, correctly understood the Hebrew plural as singular.
[3] This would be the idolatry of Ahaziah and his servants, who had inquired of "Baal Fly," 4 Kingdoms 1.2 (= English 2 Kings 1.2). The reproach evidently is the response of the Lord, given through Elijah, that Ahaziah would not recover from an injury suffered in a fall.
[4] The Greek "captain of fifty" is an exact translation of the Hebrew שׂר החמשים śar haḥamīššīm. The exact phrase is found only in this passage.
[5] i.e. captain of fifty plus fifty men.
[6] See preceding note.
[7] i.e. the third captain of fifty presented Elijah to the king; cf. 4 Kingdoms 1.9-16 (= English 2 Kings 1:9-16).
Gamberoni, J. "zebhul" in Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament, G. Johannes Botterweck and Helmer Ringgren, eds. English ed.: Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1974- , 4:29-31
Ward, William A., "Phoenicians" in Peoples of the Old Testament World, Alfred J. Hoerth, Gerald L. Mattingly and Edwin M. Yamauchi, eds. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1994
Waltke, Bruce K., and M. O'Conner. Introduction to Biblical Hebrew Syntax. Winona Lake, Indiana: Eisenbrauns, 1990
Keywords: biography; chronology; ethics; geography; history; imagery; military affairs; religion
Translated by: Lee Fields on 19 February 2001@15:54:07.
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