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Search results for eta,206 in Adler number:
Adler number: eta,206
Translated headword: Eli
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A priest in Israel. His sons were Ophni and Phinees: [it was they] whom divine justice sought out because of their drunkenness and their lack of discipline in performing sacrifices. For they were killed in a terrible way in war, but he [died] after having heard the voice of God saying: "I say, thy household will walk before me for ever. and now [I do not say] in this way [any more], but [I say that] I will honour those who honour me, and those who despise me shall be held in the lowest esteem; and I shall utterly destroy thy seed from my altar." And again: "look, I exact vengeance from the house of Eli for ever, for the impious actions of his sons".
Greek Original:*)hlei/, i(ereu\s *)israh/l. ui(oi\ au)tou= *)ofnei\ kai\ *finee/s: ou(\s th=| paroini/a| kai\ th=| a)taci/a| th=| e)pi\ tw=n qusiw=n meth=lqen h( qei/a di/kh. oi( me\n ga\r e)n pole/mw| deinw=s a)nh|re/qhsan, o( de\ th=s qei/as a)kou/sas fwnh=s legou/shs: ei)=pa, o( oi)=ko/s sou dieleu/setai e)nw/pio/n mou e(/ws ai)w=nos. kai\ nu=n ou)x ou(/tws, a)ll' h)\ tou\s doca/zonta/s me doca/sw, kai\ oi( e)couqenou=nte/s me a)timasqh/sontai, kai\ e)coloqreu/sw to\ spe/rma sou e)k tou= qusiasthri/ou mou. kai\ pa/lin: i)dou\ e)gw\ e)kdikw= to\n oi)=kon *)hlei\ e(/ws ai)w=nos e)n a)diki/ais ui(w=n au)tou=.
George the Monk, Chronicon 159.17 - 160.6. For Eli's story cf. I Samuel 12-36.
Keywords: biography; Christianity; ethics; food; geography; historiography; military affairs; religion
Translated by: Antonella Ippolito on 15 March 2006@17:30:43.
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