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Search results for eta,148 in Adler number:
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Headword: *)hqa/dwn
Adler number: eta,148
Translated headword: accustomed to
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] acquainted with.[1]
"They passed a stormy night, in which not even one of the barbarians accustomed [to the climate] went out of the tents without some extraordinary necessity."[2]
Greek Original:
*)hqa/dwn: sunh/qwn. xeime/rion nu/kta e)th/rhsan, e)n h(=| ou)d' a)/n tis au)tw=n tw=n barba/rwn h)qa/dwn a)/neu tino\s e)caisi/ou a)na/gkhs e)/cw tw=n skhnwma/twn e)ge/neto.
[1] Likewise or similarly in other lexica. The headword is genitive plural of h)qa/s. It might be extracted from the quotation given, though Photius et. al. do not have it, and there are other possibilities in Euripides, Aristophanes and Demosthenes. Theodoridis (on Photius) notes Naber's tentative opinion that the source is Euripides, Andromache 818.
[2] Quotation -- again at sigma 571 - unidentifiable (though cf. Polybius fr. 38, from epsilon 1584).
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; historiography; military affairs; tragedy
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 15 July 2006@23:44:23.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords) on 16 July 2006@05:24:43.
David Whitehead (expanded n.1; another keyword) on 6 December 2012@07:30:31.


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