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Search results for eta,11 in Adler number:
Adler number: eta,11
Translated headword: the statement from Scythians
Vetting Status: high
Translation: The proverb is applied to those who sharply tell someone to go hang;[1] inasmuch as the Scythians responded to Dareios the Persian, after he had made an announcement about yielding,[2] telling him to go hang.
Greek Original:*(h a)po\ *skuqw=n r(h=sis: te/taktai h( paroimi/a e)pi\ tw=n a)poto/mws oi)mw/zein tina\ lego/ntwn: par' o(/son oi( *sku/qai *darei/w| tw=| *pe/rsh|, mhnu/santi peri\ tou= ei)=cai, a)pekri/nanto klai/ein au)to\n ei)po/ntes.
Also, with variable glossing, in several of the paroemiographers:
Diogenianus 5.11 (who adds a comparison with
epsiloniota 149),
Macarius 8.22,
Apostolius 8.39, Arsenius 16.49c.
For Dareios and the Scythians cf. generally
delta 72.
[1] Literally, tell someone to lament; cf.
epsilon 3073,
pi 2366.
[2] This odd phrase is clearer in
Macarius' version: 'after the Persian king had sent envoys to the Scythians about peace'.
Keywords: biography; daily life; geography; historiography; history; military affairs; proverbs
Translated by: William Hutton on 16 December 2003@16:43:48.
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