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Search results for epsiloniota,4 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsiloniota,4
Translated headword: if ... message
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "If you heed, [you will be?] first,[1] but if not, yet that abominable [thing/event][2] goes away, let my message be to you alone".
Greek Original:*ei) e)pistolh/: ei) me\n ei)sakou/sais prw/th, ei) d', a)ll' a)pei/h to\ a)peuktai=on, mo/nh moi e)/stw pro\s se\ h( e)pistolh/.
This entry, Adler reports, is lacking in mss ATF and appears in the margin of mss VM. Its origin and significance are unknown. The headword phrase appears to be a summmary of the quotation as a whole.
[1] A woman, it seems, is being addressed.
[2] cf. generally
alpha 3095
Keywords: biography; ethics; women
Translated by: Anne Mahoney on 4 December 1999@16:34:14.
Vetted by:Catharine Roth (modified translation, added notes) on 21 September 2002@21:53:53.
David Whitehead (augmented note; cosmetics) on 22 September 2002@05:15:35.
David Whitehead (augmented notes; modified keywords; tweaking) on 22 November 2012@06:08:43.
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