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Search results for epsiloniota,337 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsiloniota,337
Translated headword: if you were to acquire the middle ground between Corinth and Sikyon
Vetting Status: high
Translation: When Aesop the mythographer consulted the oracle in regard to wealth the god answered with this pronouncement: "for this is productive land." And an oracle was given by Bakis the oracle-monger: "but when wolves and gray crows inhabit at the same time the [land] between Corinth and
Sikyon." This is what he was riddling at: that even the city is founded between the sky and the earth; Cloudcuckooland, that is.
Greek Original:*ei) to\ me/son kth/saio *kori/nqou kai\ *sikuw=nos: *ai)sw/pw| tw=| muqogra/fw| xrwme/nw| peri\ plou/tou o( qeo\s a)nei=le to\ lo/gion tou=to: eu)/foros ga\r au(/th h( xw/ra. kai\ xrhsmo\s e)do/qh para\ *ba/kidos tou= xrhsmolo/gou: a)ll' o(/tan oi)kh/swsi lu/koi poliai/ te korw=nai e)n tau)tw=| to\ metacu\ *kori/nqou kai\ *sikuw=nos. h)|ni/cato tou=to, o(/ti kai\ h( po/lis metacu\ ou)ranou= kai\ gh=s i(/drutai, h)/toi h( *nefelokokkugi/a.
The headword phrase is a mildly garbled version of
Birds 968 (see web address 1); the body of the entry then follows the
scholia there.
Since Corinth and
Sikyon were neighbors (in the NE Peloponnese), there was no land 'between' them, so the phrase meant nowhere.
Aristophanes, Birds, edited with introduction and commentary by Nan Dunbar (Oxford 1995) 545
J.Fontenrose, The Delphic Oracle (Berkeley 1978) Q34
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: agriculture; biography; comedy; economics; geography; mythology; poetry; proverbs; religion; zoology
Translated by: William Hutton on 27 October 2002@13:04:37.
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