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Search results for epsiloniota,302 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsiloniota,302
Translated headword: within [the broad bosom] of the sea
Vetting Status: high
Translation: 'Within' has the same force as 'into'; in effect, into [the broad bosom] of the sea.
Also, in the orators, is the phrase 'to keep the hand within',[1] which some thought to be an error; but they were wrong, forgetting that, just as we might say 'inside' and it would mean both in something and into something, so the term 'within' is applied to both situations.
Greek Original:*ei)/sw a(lo/s: i)sodunamei= to\ ei)/sw th=| ei)s: oi(=on ei)s a(lo/s. kai\ para\ toi=s r(h/torsin ei)/rhtai, ei)/sw th\n xei=ra e)/xein, o(/per e)/nioi a(ma/rthma e)/docan ei)=nai: a)ll' e)planh/qhsan a)gnoou=ntes, o(/ti w(/sper e)/ndon ei)/poimen, dhloi= de\ kai\ to\ e)/n tini, kai\ to\ e)/s tina, ou(/tw kai\ to\ ei)/sw e)f' e(ka/teron paralamba/netai.
The headword phrase, here compressed, occurs in
Iliad 21.125, and the initial gloss here comes from the
scholia there.
See also
epsiloniota 301.
[1] e.g.
Demosthenes 19.251 and 255. This supplementary part of the entry =
Lexicon epsilon338 Theodoridis.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; geography; imagery; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 9 August 2005@04:33:38.
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