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Search results for epsiloniota,297 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsiloniota,297
Translated headword: to face the front
Vetting Status: high
Translation: To station each man away from the position initially held, so that if they are ordered to make a right turn[1] from the enemy, and then again 'to face the front', they would have to turn back again in the enemy's direction. This is also called 'to position to the front'.
Greek Original:*ei)s o)rqo\n e)pidou=nai: to\ e)pi\ th\n e)c a)rxh=s qe/sin a)pokatasth=sai a)/ndra e(/kaston. w(/ste ei) e)pi\ do/ru kli/nein e)k tw=n polemi/wn keleu/ointo, ei)=ta au)=qis ei)s o)rqo\n a)podou=nai, deh/sei e)pi\ tou\s polemi/ous pa/lin tre/pesqai. kalei=tai de\ tou=to kai\ e)p' o)rqo\n katasth=sai.
Although the aorist infinitive in the headword phrase itself is
e)pidou=nai, it should more properly be
a)podou=nai (as in the body of the entry itself, and cf.
Asclepiodotus 10.1).
[1] Literally, to bend towards the spear; see LSJ s.v.
kli/nw, IV.2, and Walbank's note on
Polybius 3.115.9-10. The opposite, a left turn, is 'to bend towards the shield'.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; military affairs; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 10 August 2005@03:20:47.
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