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Search results for epsiloniota,236 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsiloniota,236
Translated headword: you will invade
Vetting Status: high
Translation: To invade is for certain men in a field to go in and cut out everything in it.
Aristophanes [writes]: "you will not invade."[1] But properly speaking
ei)sbalei=n is for certain enemies to go into the city.[2]
Greek Original:*ei)sbalei=te: ei)sbalei=n e)sti to\ tina\s e)n a)grw=| ei)selqo/ntas e)kko/yai pa/nta ta\ e)n au)tw=|. *)aristofa/nhs: ou)k ei)sbalei=te. kuri/ws de\ ei)sbalei=n e)sti to\ polemi/ous tina\s ei)selqei=n ei)s th\n po/lin.
Acharnians 762 (web address 1), with scholion.
[2] Scholion on
Peace 746 (web address 2).
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: agriculture; botany; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; food; military affairs
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 11 July 2005@00:08:30.
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