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Search results for epsiloniota,221 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsiloniota,221
Translated headword: eisangelia, impeachment
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Properly [this is] a lawsuit, brought in [sc. to court] by the prytaneis,[1] concerning communal and public crimes[2] about which the laws say nothing explicit but do allow for judgements to be made. And this is, in effect, the [topic] of unwritten crimes as practised in the sophists' discourses.
Greek Original:*ei)saggeli/a: kuri/ws h( peri\ koinw=n kai\ dhmosi/wn a)dikhma/twn ei)sagome/nh di/kh u(po\ tw=n pruta/newn, peri\ w(=n diarrh/dhn me\n ou)de\n le/gousin oi( no/moi, sugxwrou=si de\ kri/seis gene/sqai. kai\ tou=to/ e)stin, oi(=on to\ e)n tai=s tw=n sofistw=n diatribai=s meletw/menon to\ tw=n a)gra/fwn a)dikhma/twn.
Keywords: constitution; definition; law; philosophy; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 7 July 2005@07:50:33.
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