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Search results for epsiloniota,143 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsiloniota,143
Translated headword: fate
Vetting Status: high
Translation: The [existing] things that lie beyond the [sphere of the] moon [exist] on account of the [following] four causes: according to god, according to fate, according to our choice, according to chance. For example, to get into the ship depends on us, but the fact that when there is fine weather in winter a storm suddenly supervenes depends on chance. But the fact that the sinking ship is kept safe beyond expectation [belongs to] god’s providence. Moods of fate are many.
Greek Original:*ei(marme/nh: ta\ meta\ th\n selh/nhn te/ssarsin ai)ti/ais dia/keintai, kata\ qeo/n, kaq' ei(marme/nhn, kata\ proai/resin h(mete/ran, kata\ tu/xhn. oi(=on to\ me\n ei)selqei=n ei)s th\n nau=n e)f' h(mi=n e)sti to\ me/ntoi e)n eu)di/a| kai\ xeimw=ni kai\ za/lhn e)cai/fnhs e)pigi/nesqai, kata\ tu/xhn e)sti/: to\ me/ntoi baptizome/nhn th\n nau=n par' e)lpi/da swqh=nai, pronoi/as qeou=. th=s de\ ei(marme/nhs polloi/ ei)si tro/poi.
Keywords: aetiology; daily life; ethics; imagery; philosophy; religion
Translated by: Marcelo Boeri on 10 July 2002@17:39:22.
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