*ei(marme/nh: ge/nesis. o(/ti ei)rhkw\s *sofoklh=s peri\ *ai)/antos, ei(=rcai kat' h)=mar tou)mfane\s to\ nu=n to/de *ai)/anq' u(po\ skhnai=sin, a)natre/pei th\n ei(marme/nhn. oi( filoso/foi e(/na fasi\n ei)=nai qeo\n kai\ nou=n kai\ ei(marme/nhn kai\ a)/llais o)nomasi/ais o)noma/zesqai. e)/sti de\ ei(marme/nh ai)ti/a tw=n o(/lwn ei)rome/nh, h)\ lo/gos kaq' o(\n o( ko/smos dieca/getai. h)\ ei(rmo/s tis kai\ e)pisu/ndesis a)para/batos, di' ai)ti/an a)napo/draston: h)\ du/namis kinhtikh\ th=s u(/lhs. oi( de\ *xristo\n qeo\n o(mologou=men dioikei=n ta\ pa/nta.
The first of three entries on the word. (See also
epsiloniota 143,
epsiloniota 144). It gives several definitions and/or etymologies for the word, mostly from Stoic philosophers, before ending with a Christian theological credo.
[1] The Greek word is
ge/nesis, a word that acquires the meaning "lot, that which is the lot for everyone from birth" from early astronomers on.
Ajax 753-4 (with comment from the
scholia there); see already at
epsilon 1067. The seer Calchas asks Teucer, in vain, to shut Ajax inside the tents to avoid Athena's wrath; the logical subject of the sentence is therefore not
Sophocles but Calchas or Teucer. Here is perhaps a rather inept attempt to etymologize
ei(marme/nh from
ei)/rw(2) "say", probably as the result of misunderstanding the common (but also wrong) ancient etymology of the word, which put it in relation with
ei)/rw(1) "fasten together, chain". See further below.
[3] What follows is a series of definitions of "Fate" by the Stoics. Fate had a central role in Stoicism:
Posidonius and Boethius all wrote treatises
On Fate.
[4] An almost literal quotation from the Stoic philosopher (C3 BC)
Chrysippus (SVF 2.580 von Arnim =
Diogenes Laertius 7.135). The quoted text says: "the divinity and intelligence and fate and Zeus are all one, and he [sc. the divinity] is also called by other names".
[5] A quotation from
Chrysippus or some of his disciples: SVF 2.915 von Arnim = Diog.Laert.7.149. In this quotation and the following, there is an etymology of
ei(marme/nh from the root of the verb
ei)/rw. This was a common interpretation in antiquity: see
de Mundo 401b10. The word, however, does not relate to
ei)/rw, but to the root of the verb
mei/romai ("receive as one's lot) and the substantives
me/ros ("lot") and
mo/ros ("fate"). See Chantraine,
Dict.Etym. s.v.
mei/romai. The quoted text (ed. Marcovich) says "everything that exists" (
o)/ntwn) instead of "everything" (
[6] cf.
Chrysippus, SVF 918 von Arnim = Nemesius,
de nat. hom. cp. 37 p.299.
[7] cf.
Chrysippus, SVF 917 von Arnim =
Placit. 1.28.4.
a)napo/drastos, "unavoidable". The word is used by the first century CE Stoic philosopher L. Annaeus
Cornutus (
De natura deorum, p.13) in a chapter devoted to fate. The goddess Ananke (Necessity) is said to have given birth to Adrastea, who bears a name from the same root of this word. At the beginning of this chapter,
Cornutus relates
ei(marme/nh with
mei/romai etymologically.
[9] Words attributed to the founder of the Stoa, the C4/3 BCE philosopher
Zeno of Citium ( SVF 176 von Arnim =
Placit. 1.27.5).
[10] The 'we' is emphatic in the parallel entry in ps.-
Zonaras (
h(mei=s de/.... And cf. also
tau 1234: 'we Christians...'.
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