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Search results for epsilon,995 in Adler number:
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Headword: *)/empalin
Adler number: epsilon,995
Translated headword: back, backwards
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] opposite; or in reverse.[1]
"He prepared to go back across the Ister, having ferried the barbarian horde across in the so-called small merchant-ships."[2]
Greek Original:
*)/empalin: e)nanti/on: h)\ ei)s tou)pi/sw. o( de\ e)/mpalin dielqei=n pareskeu/ase to\n *)/istron, e)n tai=s legome/nais o(lka/si mikrai=s diabiba/sas ta\ barbarika\ plh/qh.
cf. epsilon 678, epsiloniota 322, tau 821.
[1] Same or similar glossing in other lexica.
[2] Menander Protector fr. 21 Blockley (192-193); cf. omicron 171, but with 'long' (makrai=s) for 'small' (mikrai=s) there. In 578 John, governor of the Aegean Islands and administrator of the cities of Illyricum, transported the Avar (cf. alpha 18 generally) khan Baian (cf. alpha 209) and his forces across the Ister (lower Danube; cf. OCD(4) s.v. and epsilon 3019 notes) into Roman territory. On John see PLRE IIIa s.v. Ioannes(91).
R.C. Blockley, ed. and trans., The History of Menander the Guardsman, (Cambridge 1985)
J.R. Martindale, The Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire, vol. IIIa, (Cambridge, 1992)
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; historiography; history; military affairs
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 5 July 2005@23:28:21.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (more keywords; cosmetics) on 7 July 2005@03:52:15.
David Whitehead (augmented n.2) on 26 November 2009@07:19:19.
David Whitehead (updated ref) on 3 January 2012@05:42:55.
David Whitehead (tweaking) on 16 August 2012@07:03:48.
Ronald Allen (expanded n.2, added bibliography and cross-references) on 14 September 2024@11:09:46.


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