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Search results for epsilon,945 in Adler number:
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Headword: *)embele/s
Adler number: epsilon,945
Translated headword: within missile-range
Vetting Status: high
Archimedes "prepared machines for every distance within missile-range, [so damaging] from afar those who were sailing in with the more powerful and large [stone-throwers and catapults]; and when these shot too high, with the smaller ones."[1]
Greek Original:
*)embele/s: o( de\ *)arximh/dhs pareskeua/sato o)/rgana pro\s a(/pan e)mbele\s dia/sthma, po/rrwqen me\n e)piple/ontas toi=s eu)tonwte/rois kai\ mei/zosin: o(/te de\ tau=q' u(perpeth= gi/gnoito, toi=s e)la/ttosin.
The headword, neuter singular of this adjective, is presumably extracted from the quotation given
[1] Polybius 8.5.2-3 (here abridged) on the celebrated Roman siege of Syracuse (213-211 BCE), for which see also alpha 2797, epsilon 2907, sigma 669.
Keywords: biography; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; historiography; history; military affairs; science and technology; trade and manufacture
Translated by: David Whitehead on 15 May 2003@08:47:27.
Vetted by:
William Hutton (set status) on 7 June 2003@08:30:38.
William Hutton (cosmetics) on 7 June 2003@08:33:24.
David Whitehead (x-refs) on 4 January 2005@04:27:00.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 7 March 2006@03:55:16.
David Whitehead on 15 August 2012@10:14:53.


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