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Search results for epsilon,937 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,937
Translated headword: I am weighty
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning I am] sound of mind, thoughtful.
Peiraieus was previously an island.[1] This, in fact, is how it got its name: from the crossing [
diaperan]. Mounykhos, who possessed its headlands, established a shrine of Artemis Mounykhia.[2] After a she-bear appeared in it and was done away with by the Athenians a famine ensued, and the god prophesied the means of relieving the famine: someone had to sacrifice his daughter to the goddess. Baros[3] was the only one who undertook to do so, on the condition that his family held the priesthood for life. He had his daughter adorned but then hid her in the same [shrine?],[4] and dressed a goat up in her clothing and sacrificed it as though it were his daughter. Hence he gave rise to a proverb. It is employed in reference to those who are addled and raving.[5]
Greek Original:*)/embaro/s ei)mi: nounexh/s, fro/nimos. h)=n pro/teron o( *peiraieu\s nh=sos: o(/qen kai\ tou)/noma ei)/lhfen a)po\ tou= diapera=n: ou(= ta\ a)/kra *mou/nuxos katasxw\n *mounuxi/as *)arte/midos i(ero\n i(dru/sato. a)/rktou de\ genome/nhs e)n au)tw=| kai\ u(po\ tw=n *)aqhnai/wn a)naireqei/shs limo\s e)pege/neto: ou(= th\n a)pallagh\n o( qeo\s e)/xrhsen, a)/n tis th\n qugate/ra qu/sh| th=| qew=|. *ba/ros de\ mo/nos u(posxo/menos e)pi\ tw=| th\n i(erwsu/nhn au)tou= to\ ge/nos dia\ bi/ou e)/xein, diakosmh/sas au)tou= th\n qugate/ra au)th\n me\n a)pe/kruyen e)n tw=| au)tw=|, ai)=ga de\ e)sqh=ti kosmh/sas w(s th\n qugate/ra e)/qusen. o(/qen kai\ ei)s paroimi/an perie/sth. ta/ttetai de\ e)pi\ tw=n parapaio/ntwn kai\ memhno/twn.
Lexicon epsilon692 Theodoridis (with a lavish note). For this material see also
beta 122 and
pi 1455.
[1] So e.g.
Strabo 1.3.18.
[2] Mounykhos is cross-referenced at
mu 1289.
[3] The name means 'Mister Weighty' (but apparently implying intellectual rather than bodily "weight").
[4] Other versions have 'in the
adyton' (cf. generally
alpha 542).
[5] Perhaps as a euphemism?
A. Brelich, Paides e Parthenoi (Rome 1969) 248-249
R. Garland, The Piraeus (London 1987) 113
R. Parker, Athenian Religion: a history (Oxford 1996) 319-320
Keywords: aetiology; biography; children; clothing; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; food; gender and sexuality; geography; medicine; mythology; proverbs; religion; women; zoology
Translated by: William Hutton on 16 March 2001@01:03:15.
Vetted by:David Whitehead (augmented notes; added bibliography and keywords; cosmetics) on 16 March 2001@03:05:56.
David Whitehead (x-ref; another keyword; cosmetics) on 19 November 2003@10:14:48.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 11 November 2005@05:51:25.
David Whitehead (more keywords; tweaking) on 15 August 2012@06:25:56.
David Whitehead (expanded primary note) on 28 August 2013@06:23:05.
David Whitehead (coding) on 23 December 2015@09:59:18.
David Whitehead (modified a point of tr, and added a note, at the prompting of Brady Kiesling) on 22 April 2018@06:14:51.
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