[Meaning] a covering, a spread. A wrap likewise. Also the receptacle of a spear.[1]
It also signifies the shell of the oyster.[2]
*)/elutron: ka/lumma, e)kpe/tasma. e)nei/lhmma o(moi/ws. kai\ h( qh/kh tou= do/ratos. shmai/nei kai\ to\ tou= o)stre/ou o)/strakon.
eta 637.
[1] Up to this point the entry =
Etymologicum Magnum 333.40, with the exception that the EM identifies the headword as a receptacle for a bow, rather than a spear.
Acharnians 1120, however, employs it for the covering of a spear (web address 1), and the
scholia to that passage may be one of the ultimate sources for this entry.
Hesychius epsilon2241 employs many of the same glosses in a different order ("...receptacle...wrap, covering..."), but in place of 'spread' (
e)kpe/tasma) he has "cover" (
ske/pasma), of which "spread" (here and in EM and in
Lexica Segueriana 217.1) is perhaps a misreading (cf.
Glossae in Herodotum 1.52, on
Herodotus 1.185.4). Other lexica and grammars gloss this headword with "covering" (
ka/lumma): ps.-Herodian 31 and (according to Adler) the unedited Lexicon of codex Laurentianus 59.16 (cf.
Lexicon Gudianum chi572). Adler also cites
Etymologicum Genuinum as a comparandum, but there is no similar entry there. Perhaps this is a mistake for
Lexicon Gudianum.
[2] Likewise, according to Adler, in the unedited
Ambrosian Lexicon (692), and similarly in ps.-
Zonaras (
kuri/ws de\ ta\ o)/straka tw=n o)strakode/rmwn). Otherwise this definition is absent from other lexica. Although it is not registered in LSJ s.v. (web address 2), this meaning is attested in
Life of Apollonius of Tyana 3.57.
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