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Search results for epsilon,911 in Adler number:
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Headword: *)elpidhfo/ros
Adler number: epsilon,911
Translated headword: Elpidephoros, Elpidephorus
Vetting Status: high
A proper name.
Greek Original:
*)elpidhfo/ros: o)/noma ku/rion.
Meaning 'Bringer of Hope'. Attested in this form (i.e. with the third vowel as eta) only in lexicography; cf. ps.-Zonaras s.v. and, according to Adler, the Ambrosian Lexicon (557). However, Adler reports the mss variant (in GIT) Elpidiphoros, which is also found in (e.g.) Artemidorus 3.38 (a sample name there). See also the In infirmos attributed to John Chrysostom (p.324.36 Vassiliev): an invocation to Saint Elpidophoros, one of a group of five Persian courtiers executed by Sapor II (310-381).
Keywords: biography; Christianity; definition; geography; religion; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 1 December 2002@10:39:04.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (augmented note) on 1 December 2002@18:56:57.
David Whitehead on 26 August 2005@06:27:48.
David Whitehead (expanded note; more keywords) on 22 December 2015@10:11:03.
David Whitehead on 22 December 2015@10:11:34.
David Whitehead (clarified note, at CR's prompting) on 18 January 2017@03:06:52.


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