[Meaning] to campaign.[1] [Them] idling or spending time.[2]
And [sc. also attested is the phrase] "may [he] make fate rest."[3] Meaning may [he] put an end to misfortune.
Herodotos [writes]: "the army crossed in seven days and seven nights, resting at no time."[4]
Also Arrian:[5] "and the watches were not resting at all." And elsewhere: "he led his army away, not resting at all." That is, wasting time.
Also in the
Epigrams: "when the dawn should arrive, granting the chance to rest a bit."[6]
And elsewhere: "they let him, resting and being a fool [sc. as he was], go weep."[7]
And elsewhere: "never let the opportunity slip away amid resting and hesitating."[8]
*)elinu/ein: strateu/ein. diatri/bontas h)\ e)gxroni/zontas. kai\ po/tmon e)linu/seien. a)nti\ tou= th\n dustuxi/an pau/seien. *(hro/dotos: die/bh de\ o( strato\s e)n z# h(me/rh|si kai\ z# eu)fro/nh|sin e)linu/sas kai\ ou)de/na xro/non. kai\ *)arriano/s: ai( de\ kataskopai\ ou)de/n ti e)linu/ousai e)gi/nonto. kai\ au)=qis: o( de\ a)ph=ge th\n stratia\n mhde/n ti e)linu/sas. toute/sti xroni/sas. kai\ e)n *)epigra/mmasi: eu)=te d' e)pe/lqh| o)/rqros e)linu=sai mikra\ xarizo/menos. kai\ au)=qis: e)linu/onta kai\ blakeu/onta kla/ein e)w=si. kai\ au)=qis: mh/pote a)/ra e)n tw=| e)linu/ein kai\ me/llein diarruh=| o( kairo/s.
For this verb see also
epsilon 860.
[1] As Jonathan Toup realised, this gloss
strateu/ein (also transmitted in
Photius) is almost certainly a scribal error for
strag[g]eu/ein ('to loiter'), which is actually, Adler reports, the reading in mss VM; see also under
kappa 2740. Compare
Etymologicum Magnum 330.57, where again the transmitted
strateu/ein has been emended to
straggeu/ein; and see further, next note.
[2] This phrase contains present participles in the accusative plural, neither of them from the headword verb. Taken as a quotation, therefore, its function here would be mysterious. But compare
Etymologicum Magnum 331.1-2, which shows that Adler was wrong to supply a full stop after the preceding infinitive. Rather, the whole phrase (introduced in the
Etym. Magn. by the definite article
to/) is one: ('to rest' means) to loiter [sc. on the part of] those idling or spending time.
[3] Attributed to
Hecale by Kapp (fr.128a), Pfeiffer (fr. 330) and Hollis (fr. 130), an attribution rejected by Schneider fr. an. 22, who suggests instead the poet's
Aitia. This is the only surviving attestation of the verb used in a transitive sense.
Herodotos 7.56.1 (web address 1).
[5] Roos designates the two quotations which follow as fr. 10 amongst the fragments to be assigned either to Arrian's
Parthica or to his
History after Alexander.
Greek Anthology 5.237.1-2 (
Agathias Scholasticus), the poet suffers sleeplessness over lost love.
[7] Quotation unidentifiable. (Adler suggests
Aelian.) See already at
beta 315, and cf.
kappa 1702.
[8] Quotation unidentifiable.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 6 February 2007@08:27:42.
David Whitehead (tweaked tr; augmented n.7; cosmetics) on 24 November 2008@13:51:13.
David Whitehead (expansions to 2 notes; tweaks and cosmetics) on 14 March 2011@07:05:44.
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 14 August 2012@04:14:22.
David Whitehead (expanded n.1) on 28 August 2013@05:59:54.
David Whitehead (coding and other cosmetics) on 20 December 2015@10:39:17.
Ronald Allen (expanded n.6) on 29 July 2023@22:46:14.
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