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Headword: *)egkekordulhme/nos
Adler number: epsilon,86
Translated headword: bundled up
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] swaddled up, covered up and wound up so as not even to present the shape of a human, but to appear as a heap of coverings. For kordu/lh is used idiomatically for a prominent swelling on the head, rising to a height and a lump on account of a blow; what we call a ko/ndulos ["knob"]. But Kreon in [book] 1 of his Rhetorica[1] says that a kordu/lh is what a wrap for the head is called among Cyprians, that which is called krw/bulos among Athenians and nida/rion among Persians. [The fact] that in the present instance in Aristophanes 'bundled up' [is used] in in the sense of bound up and having covered himself [is] clear from what follows: "but, if it's all right with you, let's snore covered up."[2] For it was cold, as it seems, and they were covered up. For this reason also he said that his son was covered with 5 coverlets.[3]
Greek Original:
*)egkekordulhme/nos: e)ntetuligme/nos, e)gkekalumme/nos kai\ sunestramme/nos w(/ste mhd' a)nqrw/pou sxh=ma dhlou=n, a)ll' e)coxh\n fai/nesqai tw=n strwma/twn. kordu/lh ga\r i)di/ws le/getai to\ e)n th=| kefalh=| e)ce/xon oi)/dhma, u(po\ plhgh=s ei)s u(/yos kai\ o)/gkon a)rqe/n, o(\ kalou=men ko/ndulon. *kre/wn de\ e)n tw=| a# tw=n r(htorikw=n kordu/lhn fhsi\ kalei=sqai para\ *kupri/ois to\ pro\s kefalh=s prosei/lhma, o(\ dh\ par' *)aqhnai/ois kalei=tai krw/bulon, para\ de\ *pe/rsais nida/rion. o(/ti de\ nu=n para\ *)aristofa/nei e)gkekordulhme/nos, a)nti\ tou= e)neilhme/nos kai\ e)gkru/yas e(auto/n, dh=lon e)k tw=n e)piferome/nwn: a)ll', ei) dokei=, r(e/gkwmen e)gkekalumme/noi. yu=xos ga\r h)=n, w(s ei)ko/s, kai\ periekalu/ptonto. o(/qen kai\ e# peribo/laia peribeblh=sqai to\n ui(o\n ei)=pen.
From the scholia to Aristophanes, Clouds 10, paraphrased later in the entry; cf. kappa 2489 (end), nu 369, phi 28. The present headword (extracted from that line) is perfect middle/passive participle, masculine nominative singular, of the rare verb e)gkordule/w (epsilon 114).
[1] The scholiast calls this work Kypriaka, but both it and its author (FGrH 753) are otherwise unknown.
[2] Aristophanes, Clouds 11 (web address 1).
[3] A paraphrase of Aristophanes, Clouds 10 (also under web address 1).
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: clothing; comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; historiography; imagery; medicine; rhetoric
Translated by: William Hutton on 12 June 2005@06:26:41.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords) on 12 June 2005@07:48:12.
William Hutton (corrected typo) on 12 June 2005@08:00:18.
David Whitehead (more keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 24 July 2012@10:01:27.
David Whitehead (another note and keyword) on 4 December 2015@04:07:32.


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