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Search results for epsilon,807 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,807
Translated headword: free
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Only the good man [is] free, but the base [are] slaves; for [they say that] freedom is the capacity for independent action.[1]
For the free man [
e)leu/qeros] [is] he who goes [
e)leu/qwn] wherever he desires.[2]
To seem to be a good man by freeing one's own land [is] much better than to bring slavery on the city: such a man was
Ganges the king of the Ethiopians.[3]
Greek Original:*)eleu/qeros: mo/nos e)leu/qeros o( spoudai=os, oi( de\ fau=loi dou=loi: ei)=nai ga\r th\n e)leuqeri/an e)cousi/an au)topragi/as. *)eleu/qeros ga\r o( e)leu/qwn o(/pou e)ra=|. o(/ti to\n e)leuqerou=nta th\n e(autou= gh=n a)/ndra a)gaqo\n fai/nesqai, pollw=| be/ltion tou= doulei/an e)pa/gein th=| po/lei: oi(=os h)=n *ga/gghs basileu\s *ai)qio/pwn.
Diogenes Laertius 7.121; cf.
delta 1424.
[2] cf.
Etymologicum Magnum 329.42. On the verb
e)leu/qw see LSJ s.v. and
epsilon 836.
[3] From
gamma 4, q.v. The quotation here has
to\n where
gamma 4 has (correctly)
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; geography; philosophy; rhetoric
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 30 June 2004@01:57:16.
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