In the masculine, [meaning] pity.[1] But [sc. note also]
e)leo/s oxytone, [meaning] a kitchen table.[2]
Aristophanes [writes]: "go then, take down his table." That is, the little kitchen table.[3]
Homer [writes]: "throw [it] on the table."[4]
e)leo/s is also a kind of bird.[5]
*)/eleos: a)rsenikw=s h( e)lehmosu/nh. *)eleo\s de\ o)cuto/nws, h( mageirikh\ tra/peza. *)aristofa/nhs: i)/qi dh/, ka/qel' au)tou= tou)leo/n. toute/sti to\ mageiriko\n trape/zion. *(/omhros: ba/llon d' ei)n e)leoi=sin. e)/sti de\ e)leo\s kai\ ei)=dos o)rne/ou.
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