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Search results for epsilon,760 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,760
Translated headword: the least [thing]
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Thus Christ named earthly wealth. For He says: "he [who is] trustworthy in the least [thing]." That is, he who knows well how to live and spends his earthly wealth -- which [Christ] also called Mam(m)on[1] -- on the needy. Such a one, found [to be] faithful in the least [thing], will also be faithful in the greatest, that is, in the gracious gifts of God. But he who is unjust in this wealth and keeps it for himself alone, clearly he will be found unjust also in the gracious gifts of God. [Christ] named an abundance of goods "someone else's"; inasmuch as we are not born with wealth, but rather naked; and truly we have brought nothing into the world and can take nothing out.[2]
Greek Original:*)ela/xistos: ou(/tws e)ka/lesen o( *xristo\s to\n e)pi/geion plou=ton. fhsi\ ga/r: o( pisto\s e)n e)laxi/stw|. toute/stin o( kalw=s ei)dw\s biou=n kai\ to\n plou=ton to\n e)pi/geion, o(\n kai\ *mamwna=n e)ka/lesen, ei)s tou\s e)ndeei=s dapanw=n, o( toiou=tos o( e)n tw=| e)laxi/stw| pisto\s eu(risko/menos kai\ e)n pollw=| pisto\s e)/stai, toute/stin e)n toi=s qei/ois xari/smasin. o( de\ e)n tw=| plou/tw| tou/tw| a)/dikos geno/menos kai\ ei)s e(auto\n mo/non sunthrw=n au)to/n, dhlono/ti kai\ e)n toi=s qei/ois xari/smasin a)/dikos eu(reqh/setai. a)llo/trion de\ th\n tw=n xrhma/twn periousi/an w)no/masen: e)peidh\ ou) gegennh/meqa meta\ plou/tou, gumnoi\ de\ ma=llon: kai\ w(s a)lhqw=s ou)de\n ei)shne/gkamen kai\ ou)de\n e)cenegkei=n duna/meqa.
This entry is a series of comments on, largely, Luke 16.10-12 (web address 1). Adler's note draws attention to similarities ('cf.') between it and later material: PG 123.968bc, by Theophylact Hephaistos, archbishop of Achrida (Ochrid) from the 1090s onwards. She did not identify the Suda's own source, but TLG searching reveals it to be the New Testament Catena on the passage: 122.26-123.4 in Cramer's vol.2.
[1] Matthew 6.24 (web address 2).
[2] 1 Timothy 6.7 (web address 3).
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2,
Web address 3
Keywords: Christianity; daily life; definition; economics; ethics; imagery; proverbs; religion
Translated by: Ryan Stone on 2 December 2002@13:42:44.
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