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Search results for epsilon,739 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,739
Translated headword: Hellanikos, Hellanicus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Of
Mytilene; an historian; son of Andromenes, though others say [he is the son] of
Aristomenes, and others [the son] of Skamon; he had a son of this same name [Skamon]. Hellanikos spent time with
Herodotus at the [court of] Amyntas, king of the Macedonians, during the time of
Euripides and
Sophocles.[1] And he overlapped with Hekataios the Milesian.[2] Hellanikos was born[3] about the time of the Persian Wars, or a little before.[4] He lived until the time of Perdikkas[5] and he died in Perperene, which is [sc. on the mainland] opposite
Lesbos. He wrote many things in prose and poetry.
Greek Original:*(ella/nikos, *mitulhnai=os, i(storiko/s, ui(o\s *)androme/nous, oi( de\ *)aristome/nous, oi( de\ *ska/mwnos: ou(= o(mw/numon e)/sxen ui(o/n. die/triye de\ *(ella/nikos su\n *(hrodo/tw| para\ *)amu/nta| tw=| *makedo/nwn basilei= kata\ tou\s xro/nous *eu)ripi/dou kai\ *sofokle/ous: kai\ *(ekatai/w| tw=| *milhsi/w| e)pe/bale, gegono/ti kata\ ta\ *persika\ kai\ mikrw=| pro/s. e)ce/teine de\ kai\ me/xri tw=n *perdi/kkou xro/nwn kai\ e)teleu/thsen e)n *perperhnh=| th=| kat' a)ntikru\ *le/sbou. sunegra/yato de\ plei=sta pezw=s te kai\ poihtikw=s.
c.480-395 BCE. See Phillip Harding in OCD(4) s.v. '
For more information on this important early Greek prose writer see FGrH #4 (vol 1), #323a (vols 3B and 3b Suppl. 1), #608a (vol. 3C); Jacoby,
Atthis; Drews, pp. 22-24.
[1] An error for Archelaos, king of Macedon 413-399 BCE.
[2] This sense of the verb
e)piba/llw is noted again at
epsilon 2020; and see generally LSJ s.v., II.9.
[3] Jacoby (in FGrH #4) substitutes
gegonw/s for
gegono/ti. The original text would be translated, "Hekataios was born," (instead of Hellanikos) which does not make sense in the context. For Hekataios see
epsilon 360.
[4] The original text reads "and a little before". Jacoby substitutes "or" for "and," and I have adopted his reading.
[5] Wrong again; cf. n.3 above. Perdikkas II preceded Archelaos (and Perdikkas III is too late). Probably Amyntas III (reigned c.393-370) is meant. (For this phrase and the preceding sentence see again at
epsilon 2020.)
Drews, Robert. The Greek Accounts of Eastern History. Washington, DC: 1973.
Jacoby, F. Atthis Oxford, 1949; rpt. Arno Press, 1973.
Keywords: biography; chronology; geography; historiography; history; poetry; tragedy
Translated by: Susan Shapiro on 9 July 1999@13:54:32.
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