Meaning [their deeds] made them famous.
*)/elamyan au)tw=n ta\ e)/rga: a)nti\ tou= fanerou\s au)tou\s e)poi/hsan.
The headword quotation is unidentifiable in this precise form, but might in fact be faulty.
Lexicon epsilon554 gives it in the singular:
e)/lamyan au)to\n ta\ e)/rga:
a)nti\ tou= fanero\n au)to\n e)poi/hsan ("made him famous"); likewise, Adler reports, in mss AF of the Suda; and ps.-
Zonaras has
e)/lamyan glossed with
fanera\ e)ge/nonto and the quotation
e)/lamyan ta\ kala\ e)/rga sou. The latter is broadly reminiscent of
Matthew 5.16: "let your light so shine (
lamya/tw) before men that they may see your good works (
u(mw=n ta\ kala\ e)/rga)".
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