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Search results for epsilon,720 in Adler number:
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Headword: *)/ekfulos
Adler number: epsilon,720
Translated headword: exotic
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] foreign, differentiated.
Aelian [writes]: "each was eager to obtain the girl through abduction. Thus an exotic war began and intensified, though it was quite unexpected since it had a cause that was neither noble nor seemly."[1]
Greek Original:
*)/ekfulos: ce/nos, parhllagme/nos. *ai)liano/s: e(ka/teros di' a(rpagh=s th\n ko/rhn poih/sasqai e)mai/nonto. po/lemos ou)=n e)/kfulos e)ge/neto kai\ e)nakma/zei kai\ ma/la a)do/khtos, ou)k e)/xwn ou)/te gennai/an ou)/te eu)preph= th\n u(po/qesin.
cf. epsilon 719 (the same adjective in the neuter).
[1] Aelian fr.122 Hercher, 125c Domingo-Forasté. For other possible excerpts from the same text, see alpha 138, alpha 519, epsilon 1021, nu 168, omicroniota 178, pi 482.
Keywords: biography; definition; epic; ethics; gender and sexuality; historiography; military affairs; mythology; women
Translated by: William Hutton on 26 January 2007@06:23:19.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 26 January 2007@06:56:15.
David Whitehead (another keyword; tweaking) on 10 August 2012@06:29:05.


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