Suda On Line
Search results for epsilon,7 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,7
Translated headword: if
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Those who deal with
Thucydides unanimously say that [this
e)a/n spelling occurs] when
h)\ ["or"] precedes it, but that when [the words] are not in this order he uses the contraction [
h)/n]. In the second [sc. book there is an example of the first of these phenomena]: "or if the enemy [does not] attack with a fleet".[1] "Or, if forced to, [the demos becomes] hostile to the rebels."[2]
Greek Original:*)ea/n: o(loklh/rws oi( peri\ *qoukudi/dhn to/te le/gousin o(/te prote/taktai o( h, o(/tan de\ mh\ ou(/tws e)/xh| ta/cews, sunh|rhme/nws le/gei. e)n deute/ra|: h)\ e)a\n oi( pole/mioi nhi/+th| stratw=| e)piple/wsin. h)\ e)a\n biasqh=| u(pa/rxei toi=s a)posth/sasi polemi/ois.
Also in
Photius s.v. The force of the distinction claimed is somewhat spoiled by inaccurate quotation: see the notes below.
Thucydides 2.24.1 - where, however, there is not only a negative omitted here but no preceding "or"; and the transmitted texts have the contracted form anyway.
Thucydides 3.47.2 -- but with nominative singular
pole/mios rather than the Suda's
polemi/ois (dative agreeing with "rebels"); the correct version is translated here.
Keywords: dialects, grammar, and etymology; historiography; military affairs; politics
Translated by: Anne Mahoney on 8 June 1999@18:00:49.
Vetted by:Catharine Roth (modified translation) on 21 September 2002@22:07:23.
David Whitehead (modified translation; augmented note) on 22 September 2002@05:31:41.
David Whitehead (tweaked tr; expanded notes; more keywords; cosmetics) on 23 June 2011@06:54:39.
David Whitehead (expanded primary note; raised status) on 23 June 2011@07:53:18.
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