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Search results for epsilon,683 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,683
Translated headword: Hektor, Hector
Vetting Status: high
Translation: The hero [of that name]. [So named] as being a kind of holder [e)xe/twr].
Also [sc. attested is] *(ektori/dhs ["Hectorid"], [meaning] the son of Hector.[1]
But in the vocative [it is] w)= *(/ektor ["o Hector"], [spelled] with an omicron.
Greek Original:*(/ektwr: o( h(/rws. e)xe/twr tis w)/n. kai\ *(ektori/dhs, o( ui(o\s tou= *(/ektoros. e)pi\ de\ klhtikh=s, w)= *(/ektor, dia\ tou= o mikrou=.
Same or similar material, according to Adler, in three entries in the
Ambrosian Lexicon. The proposed etymology is likely to be correct:
e(/ktwr appears to be an agent-noun related to the verb
[1] This patronymic is applied to Hector's son Astyanax (
alpha 4260) in
Iliad 6.401.
Keywords: children; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; mythology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 29 November 2006@01:50:42.
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