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Search results for epsilon,65 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,65
Translated headword: put-in secretly
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning one who is] treacherous, a spy.[1]
Also [sc. attested is the related verb] e)gka/qhntai ["they are concealed in"], [meaning] they are hidden; for those being hidden are concealed. "[ see] that stones are not concealed anywhere in your cloaks".[2]
Also [sc. attested is] e)gka/qhtai ["he/she/it is concealed"], [meaning] he/she/it lies in wait.[3]
Greek Original:*)egka/qetos: do/lios, kata/skopos. kai\ *)egka/qhntai, a)nti\ tou= e)gkekrumme/noi ei)si/n: oi( ga\r krupto/menoi u(poka/qhntai. mh\ toi=s tri/bwsin e)gka/qhntai/ pou li/qoi. kai\ *)egka/qhtai, e)nedreu/ei.
The SOL headword, mistakenly, is the entry's secondary one.
[1] From
Synagoge epsilon205, quoting
Platonic Lexicon 984a (which glosses
Axiochus 368D: accusative plural there), perhaps through Cyril's
Glossarium or through
Hesychius epsilon179 (same entry, probably a Cyrillian interpolation).
Acharnians 343, with comment from the
scholia there; see also the
scholia to
Thesmophiazusae 600.
[3] A reference to
Psalm 9.29
LXX, quoted in
epsilon 67, and one of many commentaries on it, perhaps Theodoret,
Interpretatio in Psalmos 80.933 on
Psalm 9.20, or
Hesychius Ecclesiasticus,
Commentarius brevis 9.29:
e)gka/qhtai: "rich people live all the time with dissimulation in their impiety: indeed they lie in ambush [
e)nedreu/ousi] for innocents and even more, the rich people lie in ambush [
e)nedreu/ousi] for poor people".
Keywords: Christianity; clothing; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; military affairs; philosophy; religion
Translated by: Stefano Sanfilippo on 9 May 2005@01:38:44.
Vetted by:David Whitehead (tweaked translation; modified notes; betacoding and other cosmetics) on 9 May 2005@02:57:51.
David Whitehead (another keyword; tweaks and cosmetics) on 24 July 2012@06:18:14.
Catharine Roth (tweaks) on 21 December 2014@22:41:58.
David Whitehead on 22 December 2014@03:08:25.
David Whitehead (added primary note; coding and other cosmetics) on 4 December 2015@02:53:50.
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