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Search results for epsilon,55 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,55
Translated headword: earthly, landed, terrestrial
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] on land, dry. The Pisidian [writes]: "having traversed this route of exile, o most powerful one, like a terrestrial road."[1]
[sc. Another illustration of]
e)/ggeion: "he allotted the territory, giving to each a talent as his share, supposing that the city's affairs would stand firm, if the men were attached to their landed properties."[2]
Some [say that this word applies] to that which is nearer [
e)ggu/s].[3] But the orators do not use it this way; rather, when they wish to indicate what is on land. For example
Demosthenes in the [speech]
Against Apatourios [writes]: "since I do not have with this man any contract for business by sea or land [...]."[4] And
Lysias [writes]: "since the law bids the guardians to keep the property for orphans in land, but this man declares that we are sailors [...]."[5]
e)/ggion with iota [means] nearer [
Greek Original:*)/eggeion: xe/rson, chra/n. *pisi/dhs: tau/thn, kra/tiste, th\n a)pecenwme/nhn o(do\n pera/sas, w(/sper e)/ggeion dro/mon. *)/eggeion: o( de\ kateklhrou/xei th\n xw/ran didou\s e(ka/stw| tala/ntion klh=ron, ou(/tws u(polamba/nwn sth=nai ta\ kata\ th\n po/lin, prosdeqe/ntwn tw=n a)nqrw/pwn tai=s e)ggei/ois kth/sesi. tine\s e)pi\ tou= e)ggute/rw. ou)x ou(/tw de\ oi( r(h/tores e)/tasson, a)ll' o(/tan to\ e)n gh=| qe/lwsi dhlw=sai: w(s *dhmosqe/nhs e)n tw=| pro\s *)apatou/rion: ou)k o)/ntos e)moi\ pro\s tou=ton ou)/te nautikou= ou)/te e)ggei/ou sumbolai/ou. kai\ *lusi/as: tou= no/mou keleu/ontos tou\s e)pitro/pous toi=s o)rfanoi=s e)/ggeion th\n ou)si/an kaqista/nai, ou(=tos de\ nautikou\s h(ma=s a)pofai/nei. *)/eggion de\ dia\ tou= i, to\ e)ggu/teron.
The headword, presumably extracted from the first quotation given, is (masculine and) feminine accusative singular of this adjective.
See also
epsilon 56.
[1] George of
Heraclias fr. 17.
[2] Quotation (transmitted, in Adler's view, via the
Excerpta Constantini Porphyrogeniti) unidentifiable.
[3] See the end of this entry.
Demosthenes 33.3 (web address 1).
Lysias fr.265 Sauppe (91 Thalheim), now 428 Carey. The transmitted text does not seem to end intelligibly, and emendations have been proposed which create a proper contrast for property 'in land', i.e. money invested in bottomry loans (e.g. van Herwerden,
nautikh\n h(mi=n for the Suda's
nautikou\s h(ma=s).
[6] That is,
e)/ggion is a comparative form of the adverb
e)ggu/s, equivalent to
e)ggu/teron; cf.
epsilon 63.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; children; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; history; imagery; law; poetry; rhetoric
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 5 June 2005@00:52:42.
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