Arrian [writes]: "he took control of the land in the midst of the rivers with the inhabitants yielding [it] voluntarily."
*(ekonth/n: *)arriano/s: th\n me/shn tw=n potamw=n gh=n e(konth\n e)ndido/ntwn tw=n e)poikou/ntwn kate/sxen.
Parthica fr.93 (= 142 Jacoby).
The headword, presumably extracted from the quotation, is an adverbial derivative of
e(kw/n. It is unglossed here, but see
Hesychius epsilon1560, where it is glossed
qelh/sei. e(kousi/ws.
Phrynichus the Atticist condemns it as un-Attic, recommending
e)qelonth/n instead.
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