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Search results for epsilon,525 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,525
Translated headword: you gulped down, you swallowed up
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] you collided with. In full, [this means] after wrestling him down and enveloping him and shaking him you are extorting money from him. [The verb comes] from the [phrase] 'to step on the kolai'. Kola [means] the stomach.[1] Or you broke down, you weakened, you ate up. From kollabos, i.e. morsel.[2] He wants to say: whoever you get hold of is utterly destroyed.
Greek Original:*)ekola/bhsas: prose/krousas. to\ de\ o(/lon, katepa/laisas au)to\n kai\ e)kperielqw\n kai\ diasei/sas a)rguri/zh|. para\ to\ e)pi\ ko/lais bai/nein. ko/la de\ h( gasth/r. h)\ e)/qrausas, e)/klasas, kate/pies. a)po\ tou= kolla/bou, o(/ e)sti ywmo/s. bou/letai de\ le/gein, o(/ti o(\n a)\n parala/bh|, a)/rdhn a)po/llusin.
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Keywords: athletics; biography; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; food; imagery; medicine; politics
Translated by: David Whitehead on 16 March 2007@08:23:04.
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