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Search results for epsilon,45 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,45
Translated headword: ventriloquist
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning a] belly-diviner; what some people now [call] a
Python,[1] but
Sophocles [calls] a chest-diviner,[2] and the philosopher
Plato [calls] a Eurycles, from a diviner of such a kind [named] Eurycles.[3]
Aristophanes in
Wasps [writes]: "mimicing the oracle and device of Eurycles."[4] But
Philochorus in [book] 3 regarding the art of the diviner also [mentions] ventriloquist women.[5]
These women used to call forth the souls of the dead. Saul consulted one of them, who called forth the soul of Samuel the prophet.[6]
Greek Original:*)eggastri/muqos: e)ggastri/mantis: o(\ nu=n tines *pu/qwna, *sofoklh=s de\ sterno/mantin, *pla/twn o( filo/sofos *eu)rukle/a a)po\ *eu)rukle/ous toiou/tou ma/ntews. *)aristofa/nhs *sfhci/: mimhsa/menos th\n *eu)rukle/ous mantei/an kai\ dia/noian. *filo/xoros d' e)n g# peri\ mantikh=s kai\ gunai=kas e)ggastrimu/qous. au(=tai ta\s tw=n teqnhko/twn yuxa\s e)cekalou=nto. mia=| de\ au)tw=n e)xrh/sato *saou/l, h(/tis e)cekale/sato th\n yuxh\n *samouh\l tou= profh/tou.
The first part of this entry is also in
Photius (
Lexicon epsilon20 Theodoridis), and
Hesychius epsilon123 is very similar.
See generally LSJ s.v., and cf.
epsilon 3721.
[1] cf.
pi 3140; also
tau 266.
Sophocles fr. 59 Radt.
Sophist 252C.
Wasps 1019. MacDowell (see Bibliography) has a useful note there (p.264).
Philochorus FGrH 328 F78.
[6] For this episode see
I Samuel 28
LXX. The present entry's allusion to it is unattributable. (Adler follows Gaisford in suggesting a scholion on Gregory of Nazianzus.)
Aristophanes, Wasps, edited with introduction and commentary by Douglas M. Macdowell (Oxford 1971)
Keywords: biography; Christianity; comedy; daily life; definition; historiography; imagery; philosophy; religion; tragedy; women
Translated by: Jason Karnes on 6 May 2002@13:45:12.
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